Career Counseling and guidance Program

Projekta numurs: NPHE-2024/10486 - VALA/2024

Projekta vadītājs/koordinators: RTA koordinators IVDF asoc. prof. Gunārs Strods

Projekta mērķis: Intensive course: Migration and career guidance

Projekta anotācija un galvenie uzdevumi: The VALA network website (http:// is one of the main dissemination tools of the network. It will also serve as a hub for the intensive course, through which user groups will be able to access the information and results of the course. Information and a newsletter 1 will be posted to national associations in guidance and counselling. Communication about the course is selected according to the needs of each target group and by using various media the aim is to spread the knowledge about the course effectively.A newsletter 2, written collaboratively with students and teachers during the course week, will be distributed widely among varying interests groups. Information will also be disseminated into European Higher Education Institutions via NICE network (includes 45 HEI from 29 countries across Europe).

Projekta rezultāti: The course and materials related to the course (teaching materials/web based exercises etc.) may not only be useful to the students of career counselling in the Nordic countries but it may have wider implications for the European community in the professional development of career practitioners when disseminated among the NPHE-2024/10486 Page 9 (11) Submitted - 30-Jan-2024 VALA partners and among the above mentioned European level networks.The course as such can be packed into a module that could be applied in different settings and customised to meet national needs and contexts. This points out the flexibility to disseminate the proposed intensive course. During and after the course the participants can keep in touch through the social network group established for this course. It provides a space where they can share experiences, relevant resources, ask each other questions, plan visits and so on. This brings an added value to the course and its foreseen results along with an opportunity for the students to create and strengthen their own professional network.

Partneri: University of Iceland (IS), DK-Aarhus University (DK), DK-Via University College (DK), FO-University of the Faroe Island (FO), FI-JAMK University of Applied Sciences (FI-JAMK), FI-University of Jyväskylä (FI), FI-University of Eastern Finland (FI-uef), NO-OSLOMET - STORBYUNIVERSITETET (NO-OsloMet), NO-HØGSKULEN PÅ VESTLANDET (NO-HVL), SE-Malmö University (SE), SE-Stockholm University (SE), LV-Latvia University of Agriculture (LV), FO-Guidance Worker Association (FO), IS-Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins (IS), GL-Center for Guidance in Greenland (GL), NO-University of South-Eastern Norway (NO-USN), SE-Umeå University (SE), LT-Vytautas Magnus University (LT), NO-Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (NO-INN), DK-University College Copenhagen (DK-UCC), LV-Daugavaplis University (LV), LV-Rezekne Academy of Technologies (LV), LV-Liepaja University (LV), EE-University of Tartu (EE), NO-NTNU- Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NO-NTNU)

Projekta kopējais finansējums: 41710 Eur

Projekta finansējuma avots: Nordplus Higher Education

RTA personāls, ka ir iesaistīts projektā: G.Strods